
Archive for November, 2011

It took me forever to propagate my strawberry seeds last spring. A soggy summer meant that my little strawberry plantlets grew at a snail pace. By the time the September rolled around the plants were finally starting to look like proper strawberry plants. October brought an unexpected warm spell and a lovely lonely strawberry flower.

November and it is cold. There was even frost a few nights ago. After all I went through there is no way that I am going to just leave those strawberries outside or bin the plants to compost! So I have brought them in. A little leery of maybe having brought bugs in but they should be nice and toasty. Hopefully I left them out long enough that the bugs died from the cold.

I also brought in the peppermint. Though I really am not sure how that is going to do over the winter months.

Sad looking peppermint


Lets hope that I manage to overwinter my strawberries!

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